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MODULE 1: Dragon's Teeth

The first expansion to the world of MajorMUD - Realm of Legends is called "Dragon's Teeth."

With this Module, the realm of legends becomes a darker place as players are plunged into a fresh escalation of the war between the Light and the Shadow. Forces that caused the war and encourage its bloody continuation are revealed, and new challenges are presented in this war-torn world. Players are encouraged to choose up sides and fight alongside the forces of Light and Shadow.

  • Distinct quests for each of the Good, Neutral and Evil factions!
  • The mind-boggling vast expanse of the rocky Dragon's Teeth hills to the west of Silvermere!
  • A multi-level complex of underground caverns filled with a horrible chittering insectile species known only as the Mermex!
  • The fallen city of Rhudaur, now filled with bandits and murderers!
  • Many new NPC's, creatures, items, and spells to tantalize players!

The adventures continue with each Module. The war escalates and the plots unfold as players become entwined in the war's intrigue, eventually allowing them to become instrumental in the success or failure of their Ethos!

Approximately 2,500 rooms

Price: $100
Purchase: Email Metropolis

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