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MajorMUD Help
This help page is a primer for MajorMUD. The Index has a list of words and terms that are used within the Game. Remember, MajorMUD is a text-based game, so it would be wise to print out this page and have it on hand when you are playing.
For more detailed help, visit MudCentral.
When you are in the game, type HELP followed by a topic for help on that topic.
(NOTE: If you are
in the Help Sub-menu, there is no need to type HELP, just the topic will be fine)
Throughout the land, time and again, the quest has and will always be the heart of MajorMUD.
Who knows what glories await you at the next turn and what you could be driven to do to survive battle. Killing evil monsters, finding magical items, discovering the secret door, are just the beginning of the world that lies beyond your imagination, the world of MajorMUD.